Safely Handling Leftovers

Refrigerate leftovers as directly as possible, but by no means location warm meals immediately into the fridge!

Whether you’ve cooked your meal at home or bought it at a eating place, understanding how to maintain leftover meals is fundamental to fending off spoilage and foodborne illness.

Safely Handling Leftovers

Air, water, and temperature are your largest worries while it comes to securely dealing with leftovers.

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Remembering those recommendations can make all the distinction:

  • When the usage of foil or plastic wrap to percent food for garage, press down firmly to put off air and maintain it out.
  • To avoid water accumulation, cool leftover food uncovered earlier than setting it in the refrigerator.
  • Cut food into smaller pieces, location it in boxes no extra than  inches deep, and shop aside within the refrigerator so that it chills quickly.
  • Refrigerate leftovers as directly as possible, but by no means location warm meals immediately into the fridge! This can warm the surroundings to above forty degrees 
  • Fahrenheit, causing harmful microorganisms to develop and making meals dangerous to devour.
  • Don’t depart meals out for greater than two hours—one hour if you’re in a heat climate.
  • Most leftovers must be frozen if they gained’t be consumed inside three to 4 days.
  • Whether frozen or refrigerated, leftovers need to be reheated thoroughly before you eat them.
  • Knowing a way to manage leftovers is sensible. It saves cash, prevents food waste, and keeps your meals safe.

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